Tuesday, August 02, 2005

About This Blog

This is my first blog posting. I wanted to create a blog about two separate things, and see where the blog takes me:
  • Personalization: I work for a company called ChoiceStream that creates personalization software, so I end up spending a lot of time thinking about and theorizing on the power and dangers of personalization, collection of profiles and recommendations. The blog is a chance to create a record of those thoughts.
  • Politics: I think of myself as a rare breed: an ardent supporter for regime change in Iraq who just as ardently stands in opposition to the methods and messages of our President. It seems to me that President Bush often tries to do the right things in such incredibly wrong and dangerous ways that I am literally frightened for my freedom. Of course, I'd be just as frightened in a world that wasn't helping solve the issues of islamic extremism in the only way that will ever work: by helping create a cultural alternative to that extremist way of life.
So I'll look forward to more posts as a way to "let it out" when I'm frustrated, excited or perplexed about the personalization or political issues of the day. Perhaps the two topics will someday even come together: a recommendation engine that tells you who to vote for? Hmm.

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